Exciting Changes are Coming! A Note from Erin…
Hello Claro family! It has been a wild ride for me the last 16 months and I want to update you on what is changing at Claro and what remains the same.
After my parents became ill and passed at the end of 2023, it forced me to take stock of my life. They died in their mid-60’s, which is only 20 years away for me. It’s sure startling to realize you might be 2/3 of the way through your life, when you thought you were only halfway there. And maybe I’ll live longer than that…it’s all a glorious mystery. But my takeaway was that I want to live as fully as I can with whatever time I have left. Death in your family or friend group sure is the ultimate invitation to reevaluate. And from this reevaluation I have decided that my top priorities are Homeschooling my 3 boys, enjoying them, enjoying my marriage, keeping myself healthy, and providing breathwork and sound healing.
As I consider my own transition in this time, I have joyfully decided to step away from Claro and open my own business, Resonance Healing, that will continue to offer breathwork and sound healing at the studio.
I want to also share that Toni will teach her last class at Claro on March 13th and step fully into her new life in Ruston. We are endlessly grateful to Toni and her leadership throughout these last years, she has been a profound guide and beloved member and she will be dearly missed!
While Toni and I begin our new chapters, so too will Claro - I am thrilled to announce, that our very own teacher and community member, Abby Lawson, is stepping in to lead the next chapter at the studio. Abby is a longtime islander and as an integral member of the community we couldn’t be more excited for her vibrant spirit to take the helm. Claro will evolve under Abby’s leadership to a new name - Stillpoint Studio, and will bring about many exciting updates (here’s looking at you, weekends) while still honoring the community’s current favorites as well as memberships and class passes.
Abby and I will operate as sister businesses within the studio and are delighted to continue healing, growing, and connecting with you all.
So many exciting things to come, and a note from Abby…
“I want to deeply thank Erin, Toni, and Nani for creating such a beautiful, welcoming space and to all of you for making this community what it is. My vision for this studio continues to pour out of me, and I hope that you will join me in honoring all that we have done as a community thus far and begin to imagine what a new chapter might look like for us. While some things will evolve, the heart of this space remains the same—one of belonging, connection, and growth.
I am over the moon to lead this next phase and I will be sharing more updates over the coming days and weeks, but for now know that our beloved teachers, Linda, Liz, and Madelyn will continue to teach all of your favorite classes and that your memberships and class passes will be honored.
I can’t wait to embark on this journey with you all! Stay tuned for fresh offerings, and in the meantime, I’d love to hear what you love most about this space and what you’d like to see in the future. Feel free to reach out, and I’ll see you on the mat!”
With so much love,
Erin and Abby